09 Apr Attracting The Right Clients
Have you ever heard the saying, “try and please everyone, you’ll end up pleasing no-one”?
The same goes in business.
We all want to make our clients happy, but you know there is always one client, it doesn’t matter how hard you try, nothing will ever please them?
They aren’t your ideal client.
Yet, there are some clients you could sneeze on and they would probably thank you for it, they just love you so much!
They are your ideal client.
“Everyone is my target audience” – this is probably the most common line used among business owners.
You may have a product or service that everyone needs. But that doesn’t mean that everyone needs it from you. So no, not everyone is your target audience.
You want to focus on attracting more of the clients you LOVE and who love you in return.
How do you do that?
It’s all in your marketing and branding.
I really want you to think about that client that you could sneeze on.
What is it about them that you absolutely love?
What services do they come in for?
What do they do in their spare time, what work do they do?
What is their home life like? Are they married with kids etc?
Now take a look at your business, do you think your businesses personality appeals to that client that you love? (It probably does, that’s why they come to you!) Have a look at what you’re putting out in the world and who it’s speaking to. When you are posting things on your social media pages, are you imagining that your favourite client is going to see it and like it?
It’s so important to attract the clients that you love and that love you in return, because that’s how you create Raving Fans, Repeat Business, Amazing Testimonials & Referrals. Who wouldn’t want that for their business?
Knowing who you want to attract into your business, and talking specifically to them in your marketing, advertising and general social media posts will help you grow your business and make your place of work a more enjoyable one.
Talk to your staff too, find out the kind of people and clients they like to see and work with. Do their wants, needs and desires align with yours? If you are all working toward a common goal it will improve your relationships within the workplace. If you find that your team members have different strengths and ideas of their ideal client, that’s ok too, you can work with that.
Find a balance between your ideal clients, something that they all might have in common and use that to focus on.
Creating magic in your business and appealing to the people who are going to be loyal and devoted to you doesn’t have to be difficult. Initially some work may have to go into attracting the right clients, but once you know exactly who you are trying to appeal to, it will become second nature for you.
Keep an eye out over the next few weeks where we will talk about creating raving fans and how that can help your business.
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