Are you a Stylist Or Business Owner?

Are you a Stylist Or Business Owner?

Usually the people who go into business for themselves in the Hair and Beauty Industry are qualified stylists. They go out & buy a Salon or start their own, because they want to work for themselves and make more money than a standard wage.


But despite this, many never make the jump from stylist to business owner. They spend their days working as a staff member, working their butt off on the floor & usually with a much larger clientele than the other staff members so hence doing most of the work.


They also spend many nights up till all hours trying to get a bit of bookwork & admin done to try and stay on top of things. Rarely do they have the time to work on their business, or plan how they are going to lead their team like a true entrepreneur.


So you need to be extremely honest with yourself:

Are you that stylist working their butt off on the floor or are you the business leader?

Are you so busy with your clients and working on the floor full-time that your entrepreneurial vision is now blurred?

If you have found yourself agreeing that you are ‘that’ stylist then now is the time to make the progression and become the leader you want to be.


It’s time to put some boundaries into play, which is your 1st step into making the change.

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